Modern Elegance Of Tension Set Diamond Rings

Tension set diamond rings put focus on the stone…

Tension set diamond rings seem to have the diamond suspended in mid air allowing light to flow through the diamond…this creates incredible sparkle and focuses all the attention on the diamond.

The very unique tension set diamond rings

How amazing is that??

It is perfect for diamond engagement rings and will take her breath away.

This is achieved by setting the diamond in a setting that hides as little of the diamond as possible.

Tension isn’t really the right technical term to describe this mounting.

The ring metal be it gold, platinum or titanium is actually compressed against the diamond.

14K gold is normally adequate since tension set rings are quite bulky & require 2 to 3 times the metal of other diamond ring designs.

Tension set diamond rings expose the diamond to damage caused by every day use….as it is not completely protected by the setting.

This means that you should try and wear this ring on occasion but if you do wear it daily, be careful you do not hit your fingers against any hard surfaces too often.

This could cause the diamond to fall out of its setting and probably getting lost. Am sure you do not want that happening to you; ever!

Finger size changes with time and this poses a problem…..for as visually stunning as tension set rings are, they are very difficult and costly to re-size.

Also the exposed girdle or ‘top’ of the diamond can get damaged due to everyday use.

Due to the ‘springiness’ that allows the ring to be tension set, resizing will introduce an area of weakness.

This will make it difficult for the metal to have enough force to hold the diamond in place.

Having said that in the hands of an experienced jeweler, your tension set rings will be in good hands as the jeweler understand how to deal with this unique ring.

With care, you can keep your floating diamond rings in tip top condition and keep enjoying them for a long time to come.

Diamond Info | Engagement Rings | Tension Set Rings

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