Make you proposal complete with diamond engagement rings..
Add the final touch to a great moment with diamond engagement rings.
Proposing to your fiance just isnt the same without a with diamonds is preferred.
Don’t put the blame on me though..its all Archduke Maximilian of Austria?s fault.
In the year 1477, he gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy & the tradition of giving an engagement ring was born…so be a man and get on with it.
Diamond engagement rings are worn by women on their left hand finger..showing that they are committed to be married.
The fourth finger of the left hand was traditionally believed to contain the Vein of Love.
In the U.S.A and Canada, some women buy their fiance’s a promise ring when they get engaged.
To be engaged is a dream come true for most ladies.
The diamond ring she receive represent beauty, strength, durability and commitment, all the things you’d want in your relationship.
Diamond engagement rings come in different shapes, styles and there is always a ring to fit your budget.
Guys calm down now. I know that your pulse is probably racing and you aren’t your usual self. I could be of assistance.
Engagements are a big deal period. It is one of those moments that will most probably change your life.
You’ll officially have a lady in your life that you’ll most probably end up making your life partner or wife.
That is a good thing…there are many lonely people out there looking for what you have and not finding it so put a smile on your face.
More diamond engagement rings
Diamond Solitaire Rings
A diamond set alone, standing in all its glory
Diamond and Sapphire Engagement Rings
Diamond and Sapphire like Ebony & Ivory?..Good together
Diamond and Emerald Rings
Drown your senses in this very exotic cocktail
Round Diamond Rings
A classic diamond cut that never fails to impress?
Back to me assisting you
Lets start with what do you want?
It might sound like a silly question but not really. I know you want a diamond ring but exactly what kind of ring do you want?
Do you want an emerald cut diamond ring; a princess cut diamond ring or a radiant cut diamond ring?
What kind of diamond setting do you want?
Will it be a channel setting with diamonds flowing around the ring or a conventional prong setting with the diamond held up high or do you prefer a modern bezel setting which will give extra protection to your ring?
Knowledge of these settings will help you choose the type of diamond engagement rings you want
Are you getting helped? Let’s move on.
The different diamond cuts influence the setting and vice versa. Round diamonds are quite versatile and can be set in prongs, bezels and even flush settings.
Emerald cut diamonds are usually set in prong settings as are asscher cut diamonds and marquise cut diamonds so that they can best display their fire.
Oval Cut diamonds can be set in prongs or in bezel settings.
Am sure you know about gold, silver and platinum.
They are the most common metals used in making diamond engagement rings. Platinum being the most expensive followed by gold and silver.
Unusual diamond rings
Tension Set Rings
Take her breath away with a ring that will melt any Tension
Heart Shaped Diamond Ring
Give part of your heart
However there is now a new metal gaining popularity in the diamond world.
Titanium is what is currently hot and is cheaper than platinum and gold in value and has become a favorite metal in diamond engagement rings.
Finally, lets look at the 4Cs which are Carat or diamond size, color, clarity and the cost which is influenced by the first three.
Now that you know the kind of ring you want and how you want it to look, you are ready to buy.
Buying online can be tricky since you don’t know the companies and how good their offers really are.
- Consider buying from a company that has been in the business for over 10 years?
Have confidence in a companies that is run by people who are passionate about diamond rings and are not just in it for your money.
- Put your Trust in a companies that actually stocks diamonds and diamond engagement rings & aren’t brokers or middle men.
- These brokers spend huge amounts of money on advertising and get it back by charging you more money than you should actually be paying for your ring.
- They have got thousands to choose from and the best prices on the web. They will help you find the perfect diamond ring for your future bride.
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