Engagement proposal ideas that will rock her world
If you have been racking your brain for the perfect engagement proposal ideas & have drawn a blank, then welcome to the club.
It’s all well & good to purchase an engagement ring but how to propose is another thing altogether.
Photo by?Nathan Dumlao
Let’s face it, men are practical creatures. We see a problem, we solve it; we see danger, we run or fight and protect our women.
Why is it then that when it comes to making an engagement proposal, we go to pieces?
Men start thinking of engagements when they’ve been dating their wife-to-be for 6 months to 1 year; sometimes not even then.
We are pretty much outmatched in that area so let’s pull together & make it worth her while.
Make that day memorable & not just because you put a diamond engagement ring on her finger.
Let’s pay it forward & share our best ideas.
Next to her wedding, her engagement day should be one of the happiest days of her life.
It shouldn’t cost much but if you can afford to, go ahead and make it as extravagant as you want.
Ladies, we do need your help on this one!!
If your man did something that was out of this world for your engagement, if his proposal idea didn’t quite work out as planned but you said yes all the same.
Whether it was totally comical and you laugh every time you remember it, we’ll appreciate it all the same!
Your Engagement ideas & photos will also be automatically entered into our next contest.
The winner will have a photo of their ring displayed on our Home Page for a Month with a link to their story.
After your proposal, will you celebrate with your friends?
If so, where’s the party at?
Tell us your Engagement Proposal ideas; big or small.
Whether you have proposed, are thinking of proposing or have been proposed to, do share your engagement proposal ideas with us and give tips to those guys & girls who need them.
Help out those of us who are out of ideas or plain clueless.
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Diamond rings | Engagement Proposal Ideas